The Why: Program Conception & Planning

Idaho Has the Highest Female State Imprisonment Rates (per 100,000 U.S. Female Residents) in 2021.*

The rate at which women are incarcerated varies greatly from state to state. At the national level, including both state and federal imprisonment, 47 out of every 100,000 women were in prison in 2021*.

*In states with integrated jail and prison systems, data include both jail and prison populations. Source: Carson, E.A. (2022). Prisoners in 2021 – Statistical Tables. Washington, DC: Bureau of Justice Statistics. 

The State with the Highest Rate of Female Imprisonment is Idaho

Idaho Women for Education, 501c3, is a new nonprofit that wishes to make a difference for women and girls who have historically experienced impossible challenges in the transition from incarceration.

The rate at which women are incarcerated varies greatly from state to state. At the national level, including both state and federal imprisonment, 47 out of every 100,000 women were in prison in 2021.

We are raising funds to create a new program in Idaho, patterned after a successful implementation in Missouri called Aspire MO.

See Their Story Here

The Idea: A collaborative, entrepreneurial approach to re-entry focused on business ownership and workforce readiness

Entrepreneurship as a Re-entry Strategy

Entrepreneurship presents a promising pathway to economic security and reintegration into communities as it requires minimal formal schooling, provides additional income and control over their livelihoods, and has the potential to uplift the often-low-income communities to which these individuals return.


Implementation: Fundraising & Curriculum

Leadership & Empowerment Training

Self discovery, Strength finders testing, and discussing obstacles upon release.   

Professional Development

5 weeks of professional development, including personal finance, resume building, and business professionalism.

Business Planning

12-week business planning course that includes introduction to entrepreneurship, financial literacy, business concepts, and personal financial literacy.

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